Farewell Reception for Karen and Karl Kappler
February 26th, at 12:15 p.m., we will hold a Farewell Reception for Karen and Karl Kappler
We hope you'll join us at 10:35 a.m. for some special pre-worship music on organ and piano and also during worship time (11a.m.) special choir music this last Sunday with our beloved longtime music and choir director, Karen Clifton Kappler. At 12:15 p.m., we are holding a Farewell Reception for Karen and Karl Kappler in our Fellowship Hall. Please join us as we thank them for the many ways they've enriched First Avenue Presbyterian Church. If you have any photos, good wishes, blessings you wish to share in a memory book, please send them to the church: First Avenue Presbyterian, 120 W. First Avenue, Denver, CO, 80223.
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